Creating Your Christmas Wonderland

Christmas Wonderland Garden Lodges Garden Exteriors

Can you believe it’s December the 1st? Neither can we! Although it is one of our favourite times of the year as our Customers start to transform their Garden Structures into Christmas Wonderlands.


As you know, our Garden Lodges & Rooms are fully useable all-year round however, simply down to their origins, there is no doubt that winter brings out their ‘Christmas Wonderland’ magic.


Built in the Arctic Circle, to exacting and traditional methods, you can experience Christmas, and the winter, from their cosy interiors.


Imagine getting up on Christmas morning and padding down your garden, lighting the fire, warming hot chocolate and sharing your presents sat on real reindeer fleeces in a traditional Arctic Lodge? That is exactly what some of our customers do. How magical is that? Your own Christmas Wonderland, where you can keep the magic alive no matter old you are.

Our Garden Structures really do transport you to the North Pole of your childhood and imagination. As the sole provider of Authentic Arctic Structures in the UK, it is easily within your reach. It could actually be you this time next year!

Why not request a brochure today and start planning your Christmas Wonderland straightaway?


And from all of us at Garden Exteriors, we wish you a wonderful Christmas. Have a magical time.


To see more of our Garden Structures in action, visit our Gallery here and if you have questions please get in touch.




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